Tuesday, 2 October 2018

To the sky, I return.

After about six years of taking a break due to family duties, I have decided to return to the skies and revalidate all my flying licence documents.

After many years of operating amateur radio, and having enjoyed it immensely, it is time to do something a bit more serious again.  If you've ever used radio in aviation, you will understand how ridiculous a lot of the ham operators are in taking hobby radio so very seriously.
Much more rewarding than ham radio, I'm afraid!

The flying fun starts with an eye test and getting some new glasses, in case my eyesight isn't good enough without them.  If they were not, I would probably have to pay for a revisit to the aviation medical examiner.

Then I get a full aviation medical, with electrocardiogram and all the rest.  Then it's paying to revalidate my aviation radiotelephony licence, followed by a conversion of my UK-issued licence to an EASA (EU-wide) one.  Each step, you will realise, costs quite a lot of money!

Time to start filling a different logbook again!

Sadly, operating /AM in the ham bands is not legal in the UK, so I won't be able to offer any interesting calls for your log!

I'll still be operating ham radio, so this blog will keep on throwing out occasional bursts of wisdom, and quite a lot of hot air, too!

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