Monday, 15 October 2018

12m: Open to the world!

Yes folks, believe it or not, 12m has been open to far distant places all day long, from just after sunrise to long after sunset.

At 17:56UT, over 30 minutes after sunset, I was still working a LU7 station, together with a load of PU and even a ZD7.  Earlier in the day, a 3B station was again active, and in the afternoon, I worked some K4 stations.

Working Latin America on 12m - even at dusk!

The old texts about bands and solar conditions are now largely junk.  Armed with a good antenna (though many I've worked only have 1/4 wave verticals), digital modes and a little patience, the higher bands are more open than not, even at the very bottom of solar minimum.

I even worked a station or two up on 10m today!

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