Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Service suspended.

Yes folks,the UK hurricane season has started in earnest!

Although technically we don't get hurricanes in the UK, the wind speeds we experience are of hurricane strength.

Eleven months ago, we experienced one of the worst storms in recent years, ex-Hurricane Ophelia, which seems to have begun a trend of tropical storms that turn northwards towards the UK, rather than running west towards the Caribbean, as is more usual.

Storm Ali, 19/09/2018.

Yesterday (20/9/2018), we saw ex-hurricane Helene swing by, bringing gusts of about 90km/h. A typical windy autumn day in Wales.

This morning, the centre of Storm Ali is running up towards Northern Ireland and Scotland, with winds here in Wales already up at about 120km/h in gusts.
Force 11, and rising...

Although all the antennas remain flying in these conditions, operating during these winds isn't very well advised.

Normal service will resume later in the day.  Maybe...

1 comment:

  1. Weel John, I hope this will not be a trend. Though I'm afraid environment is changing fast the last decade. Hopefully those storms will not be heading further eastwards. 73, Bas


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