With some spare time this evening, I brought my trusty Raspberry Pi out of the field location and out into the car. My own car is not very new, so doesn't have USB power outlets. Instead, I just installed my own twin 2.1A outlets earlier this afternoon.
Conditions on HF remain very poor following a CME impact a couple of days ago. But this didn't stop some very interesting findings coming out of my expeditionary work with a 14MHz whip on top of the car, and my Kenwood TS-480SAT in the boot.
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Out over the sea! WSPR mobile with a Raspberry Pi. |
Then, after a while, I ascended a mile or so inland, but gaining about 250 feet in height and moving onto what is probably amongst the world's most conductive ground - good old Parys Mountain, but not at the home QTH, but on the mine waste itself.
The results speak for themselves. Look at the difference between coast and the copper hill for spots received by TF1A (note: the time span of the test is only about 40 minutes, so propagation doesn't account for the change, more especially as the move from coast to hill took just 4 minutes).
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First four spots at the coast. Last three, on top of Parys. |
Hello John, I assume those are spots from the same station? I can't read that clearly in your post? It is a lot of difference. Though how much did propagation affect this? Interesting though with some more details it would be more complete. By the way were did you get the neat dual USB ports? 73, Bas
ReplyDeleteHi Bas!
DeleteNo, the period of the whole test is very short, and the time between the last coastal spot and the first Parys mountain spot is just 4 minutes or so. Because reception was stable immediately before moving, and stable after reaching the hilltop, it's safe to say propagation hadn't changed very much.
The USB outlets are widely available in many colours on E-bay for very little money. Because they are lit units, I added an on/off switch. It's easier to buy an outlet with a switch!
...and yes, the spots were from the same station.