Friday, 22 June 2018

HF/VHF Bandplans - Thanks EURAO!

I joined EURAO last year because I have consistently found the RSGB does not reflect my view of modern amateur radio at all.  The ARRL was better, but it is firmly US-centric, for obvious reasons.

EURAO is slowly gaining in influence, though it remains an upstart in the highly machoistic, male-dominated radio establishment.  Contact with IARU Region 1 representatives has often looked like a car crash.

Doing what it can to change the radio establishment.

What I do like about EURAO is that it is not pinned down by some old-fashioned ideas of 'how things used to be'.  It looks forward, rather than backwards.

So here's EURAO's latest attempt to make itself relevant.  It's just a simple bandplan/frequency guide, but it's very useful.

The guide might even teach all those RTTY and FT8 operators, who often stamp on other modes, where they should not operate!

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