Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Raspberry Pi - at last!

After years of not really getting to grips with my various Raspberry Pi computers, I decided to spend as long as it took this morning to get WSPR running on a Model 2 B.

I didn't expect an easy ride with this, because whilst I love the idea of using Linux rather than Windows, it is not always for the short of patience.  I am very short of patience!

I updated the whole NOOBS package and installed the latest Raspian OS.  This went fairly easily, though I had to download a special SD card formatter, as Windows' own formatter wouldn't handle it.

This went easily enough, though quite slowly.

I got the new OS going with no problems.  Then I had to download WSJT-X, which should have WSPR included, alongside many other modes.

Of course, when I opened the WSJT-X from the repository of packages, WSPR wasn't there.  It looks like the latest version, but isn't.

I eventually found that I had to manually download and install the latest WSJT-X directly from the Princeton University site, using GDebi installer package.

The best instructions for the whole thing comes in the form of a very user-friendly and brief couple of pages at www.qsl.net/aa5kv/wsjtx.html

Be careful if you look up some help online, because most of it is very outdated and relates to past versions of Raspian, which has changed a lot over a short period.

Lots of connections, but it works.  Just about...

The package installer and download of WSJT-X went fine.

Then a problem on trying to install WSJT-X at the last minute: administrator password needed!


After a lot of cursing, I found the simplest way was to just type in "sudo passwd root" in the command line box.  No doubt people will tell me this leaves me open to Russian hackers, but it will have to do for now.

Apparently, a bug fix for this is to type:

"gconftool2-2 --type bool --set/apps/gksu/sudo-mode true"

It all seemed to work now, installing WSJT-X to completion.

Now all I had to do was get sound into the Pi!

I have a Chinese £1.50 USB audio stick that works well on my laptop for receive (only).  To my amazement, the Pi saw and shook hands with the stick with no need for some obscure commands.  I just had to select it as a sound source, like a Windows machine!

WSJT-X on WSPR, Raspberry Pi style!

Of course, my Pi was two rooms away from the rig.  So a very long USB extension cable made the distance between equipment.

Remarkably, it works!  Slowly, but it works!  The Pi takes a leisurely 37 seconds to decode signals, which is pretty good for a matchbox computer.  I've overclocked the Pi 2 B to 900MHz, but it doesn't make much difference to the decode speed.  Decodes seem to be as sensitive as running off a proprietary interface.  I've ordered the latest, Pi 3 B+, which should improve significantly on this and allow me to venture onto some real QSO modes, like JT65 and the dreaded FT8, later.

If you're wondering why anyone would bother with a matchbox computer, the answer for me is that it is a low power device that runs off 5V (easily stepped-down from 12V), and costs just £32.  This makes it ideal for field use, following the addition of a small screen.

Better than spending £250 minimum for a laptop just for ham radio.  I even learned a little.  But it is definitely not good for the blood pressure!

1 comment:

  1. I think I just stay with my antique laptop running windows xp. Still doing fine running JTDX and WSJT-X. At least you learned something for the sake of experiment. 73, Bas


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