Sunday, 6 May 2018

G3 Storm!

Overnight, a significant, G3 geomagnetic disturbance, peaking at Kp = 6 hit Earth.

The field disturbance caused the 14MHz WSPR signal from HZ1SK to vanish as the Z component underwent a strong deviation to the south:

Lots of variation, then - gone!  Signal from HZ1SK at MW1CFN 05 - 06 May 2018, 14MHz.

At the onset of the southerly deviation in the Z component, at 00:38UT, G8WQB's signal crept - but only just - out of the noise, maintaining a steady -29 to -27 dB S/N all the way to the dawn period, when the field had returned to near-quiet conditions:

G8WQB just about popping up out of the noise during the G3 storm.

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