Tuesday, 17 April 2018

10MHz is where it's at!

DX has picked up lately.  I found 10MHz was abuzz with VK stations on FT8 this morning, reminding me of conditions past on 14MHz, when the Sun was more active.

Over on 14MHz, a few minutes later, I found and logged R0LER/MM, bobbing about in the Okhotsk Sea and sending a very strong JT65A signal to the UK.

Making contact with R0REL/MM this morning.  Terminator correct for time of QSO.  Image: DX Atlas, with permission. 

Here is a brief recording of the signal from R0REL/MM the previous day, where you can just about hear the distortion in the signal that is much more indicative of a cross-auroral zone path than a long path signal.  If you can't hear it, you can certainly see the spread-out signal on the waterfall:

Video frame grab of R0LER/MM signal spread, almost certainly a result of crossing the north auroral zone.
So the DX is there, so long as you can manage some operating at breakfast time!

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