Tuesday, 27 March 2018

2m FM: the show is over.

I have never been very interested in 2m FM, other than for DX and satellite operation.  One reason is that 2m in the UK tends to be populated by people who don't engage in very interesting conversations.  It's also true that there are some rather dodgy people hanging out on 2m - people you really want to avoid.

All that said, 2m is, of course, potentially very useful for local contacts.  I know of a few lonely, elderly people who find the regular morning ragchews keep them going, and that is a very valuable thing indeed.

Reached a dead end.

But the sad fact that, by 2018, 2m FM in my area, which, because of its elevated and clear position, stretches out to Northern Ireland, Southern Ireland and western England, is all but dead.  The band was always populated by just a handful of regulars, but whose health has now deteriorated or their lives ended altogether.

Whilst I could never say that I will remotely miss the kinds of QSOs that were to be had on 2m, it is obviously very concerning that 2m seems to be the canary in the coal mine for things to come for other aspects of amateur radio.

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