Monday, 5 February 2018

Mind your sine wave!

As attetion continues to turn here onto off-grid powering of the station, I've been looking at the small collection of AC inverters I have around the house.

First up was a small, cheap-and-Chinese inverter of about 80W maximum load given to me by my RV-fanatic neighbour, who has always helped, rather than stand in my way as an amateur radio operator.

This wasn't a pretty sight:

Alarmingly, I have previously run my LED TV on that inverter.  That will stop, straight away!

Next, a 30-year old low wattage (ca. 12W max) inverter that a university electronics technician gave me an equally long time ago.

Again, this wasn't good:

I think both inverters have the recycling centre as their immediate destiny!

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