Monday, 12 February 2018

Five days of 30m WSPR

It's been a harsh few days on Anglesey.  Bitterly cold, gale-force winds, snow, heavy rain and even some warm sunshine have variously affected us.

My 30m vertical has flown through it all, as has the superb WSPRlite unit, albeit with the latter wrapped-up in some insulating terylene wool and wooden box!

Here are the range results, set against the best comparison signal I could find.  The dip for a few minutes near 1pm, 11/02/18 was due to a battery changeover:

Across all spot distances, my vertical came in at just over 2dB stronger than the comparison station:
Both stations enjoyed the odd long-haul DX beyond 7000km.  At this range, my signal was a slightly improved, 2.5dB stronger, although I did manage spots from two VK stations, which the comparison station did not:

And finally, the map of all spots for both stations:

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