Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Polar flutter on HF.

Whilst trawling through my old PC today, I came across this very clear example, from April 11, 2014 at 1951UT, of polar flutter on a 24MHz SSB signal heard in my 3-ele LFA Yagi.  Thanks to HRD's great audio logger and file creation, I can see that it was actually on 24.931.50MHz.

You can see from the image that, whilst the centre path of the signal was considerably south of a pass over the north geographical pole, it passed fairly close to the north geomagnetic pole - the pole that is a closest fit to a theoretical magnetic dipole as experienced at the surface. The signal crossed into an out of the auroral oval twice on its journey to me.

Likely path of KI7M's signal at the time.

1 comment:

  1. Very strong and clear signal. You can clearly hear the flutter. Have been experiencing some of that on 15m in 2015 although the recording is not that good. Hear KL5DX in my video... 73, Bas


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