Geomagnetic field with two moderate disturbance periods, greatest to Kp=4.
Curiously, the overnight DX spots were absent, with only two Italian stations appearing briefly, also heard only by one G and one DL station:
The Italian stations appeared at the very onset of the second disturbance. VOACAP shows no expected propagation from the specific Italian stations, but shifting the location by a few tens of kilometres starts to show a potential circuit. Overall, therefore, whilst VOACAP is not totally accurate, it is very close on this circuit.
Same experience here, although no Italians heard. Band closed early, last DX spotted me was DP0GVN at 19:26. Band opened late this morning first spot US8IPR at 6:44. JH3APN was spotted 8:14, probabely greyline as I spot him every day around that time.First spot from VE6JY at 11:02, path is there almost every day...have to investigate with VOACAP. 73, Bas