Thursday, 11 January 2018

Overnight WSPR Diary, 10-11/01/2018

No DX spots were received overnight.

The geomagnetic field, save for a brief pulse of moderately increased activity commencing around 03:00UT, remained quiet.  Whilst the statistical aurora increased in extent, the field components remained largely undisturbed, with only a very small deviation to the south in the Z component.

AA7FV was the last DX spot heard, at 20:04UT.  The slight increase at 03:00UT seems to have caused I2GPG to be briefly heard (03:38UT, 1 spot at -25dB S/N), and then nothing other than UK groundwaves until the onset of ionospheric dawn and the resumption of usual propagation.

The Kiruna magnetogram for the night was:

The midnight (UT) auroral oval looked like this:

The moderate increase in geomagnetic activity was as follows.  Note that the auroral oval appears similar to the previous evening at peak power, but has a significantly different field composition, notably the lack of a significant southerly Z deviation:

The record of spots (as many as I can fit in a screen capture!) received for the overnight period was:

V51PJ, who featured in the previous post as a tropical station hearing far-west US stations in the depths of night, did not hear any such spots this time.

A possible, perhaps likely explanation for the previous spots from much the same latitude (around the mid-20s degrees south), could be the Appleton Anomaly.  I had never heard of this before, and came to my attention through this paper.

1 comment:

  1. 2018-01-10 21:26 PE4BAS 14.097200 -25 1 JO33jk 1 OY1OF IP62oa 1244 325

    I check both RX as TX (TX set at 30% time). The only interesting spot was made by OY1OF in the direction we're looking for. The rest of the night was not interesting. Band opened this morning about a hour before sunrise with a spot from V51PJ.

    2018-01-11 09:48 PE4BAS 14.097188 -24 0 JO33jk 1 VE6JY DO33or 6864 324

    The path to VE6JY opened again at 9:48 UTC. Still dark there.

    73, Bas


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