Monday, 8 January 2018

JT9 to the East

This morning saw excellent conditions on 14MHz to the far east of Russia.

What's more, my very sensible Russian friends were present in fairly good numbers on JT9.  It's always been pleasant working JT9, because it doesn't much suffer from infringment by other modes, notably FT8.  RTTY can be a problem on weekends, though.

This morning was just heaven on JT9.  Whilst you couldn't find an empty space over on FT8, JT9 had nice, narrow signals with plenty of space for everyone.  That, plus the fact it's more sensitive than FT8.

FT8 continues to be great and very useful on the higher bands.  But on the lower bands, it's just an idiots' mode for filling logbooks.  Down there, FT8 has actually turned me against amateur radio, so I have to leave it alone.

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