Thursday, 28 December 2017

Vector Processor

My friend Ken Franklin, G3JKF, has been in contact with me over the past few days, concerning:

"...a Brochure and User Manual on a system I developed in the late 1970's. I attach a brochure copy. The system was designed to allow control over the front-to-back ratio of Yagi antennas. It would be very useful for reduction of on-frequency RFI for Yagi or any other antenna, and is relevant to our Solar Power discussion. I remember vividly some tests I conducted with G6RC when he lived only 2 miles from my QTH in Crawley. We both had Vector Processors. On 10m with strong echoing type propagation we rotated beams back to back. We were able to virtually eliminate the direct ground wave signal and communicate over the very long path around the world. I wish I had audio recorded the results. Fascinating stuff!

The Vector Processor information should be in the public domain. It has probably been overtaken by more modern designs but the content of the Manual is still interesting and relevant. If you consider it worthwhile perhaps you could place it somewhere accessible to others."

Accordingly, here's the information received thus far.  Whilst they are reproduced here, they remain fully the sole copyright of Ken Franklin, G3JKF:

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