Saturday, 26 August 2017

JT9 Pushback!

FT-8 mode has been stealing the digital show of late. 

Not that it's been all excitement and good news.  FT-8 has been pushing into traditional JT65 territory, with so many users active at the same time that it has often seem as though, soon, there would be nothing but FT-8.

So I was glad to see early this morning that 20m was packed full of JT9 signals from across the world.  It seems that JT65 is being infringed so much that JT9 is a relatively FT-8 free area to set up shop.

I think this is a good thing.  FT-8 is just ridiculously fast, often struggles to decode, and has absolutely no reward merit at all.  It really might as well be a fully-automatic points gathering mode. That is not how I do radio, and if the number of JT9 signals fighting back this morning is anything to go by, it's also not the way very many others want radio to go.

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