Oh dear!
The European Radio Amateur Organisation claims to be having some trouble with IARU of late.
Don Beattie, who is mentioned liberally in the link, has been contacted for comment. He responded only by saying there has been 'wildly inaccurate reporting' about contacts between IARU and EURAO.
Given the latest smiley picture placed on EURAO's website to demonstrate some thawing in relations, Beattie's tight lippedness might seem a trifle odd. Perhaps relations aren't quite as cosy as the image attempts to portray? Certainly, this press release from IARU seems to indicate rather a lot of antagonism.
If you would like to find out more about latest events at IARU, you can read what could be the most opaque sets of minutes ever created by humankind here. Given that financial information is rather thin on the ground when it comes to IARU activities, I've asked a few questions of their Secretariat, currently the ARRL. Replies, if any, will be posted as they are received.
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