Saturday, 29 July 2017

FT-8 Logging: why the angst?

There's been a lot of excitement about FT-8 of late, but also a lot of angst about how best to log the mode when LoTW is not yet accepting it due to ADIF not yet updating for the new arrival (a look on ADIF reveals an update is imminent at the start of August).

Just auto-log it!

There are two broad camps that have formed:

(1) Those who are going to avoid using FT-8 until LoTW is sorted out.  I've tended to fall into this group - until today.

(2) Those who are going through protracted processes to 'map' FT-8 to 'Data' (unlikely to be confirmed in the same way by the other station, and thus rather futile).

The second camp seem to be a group of people looking for a problem.  All they need do is use the logging feature of WSJT-X and keep the ADIF file thus generated until LoTW accepts the mode, where it can be uploaded with, one hopes, no problem.

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