Tuesday, 6 June 2017

WSPR Power Tendencies

If there's one thing that has been a big development in amateur radio recently, it's the WSPRlite unit.

Whilst this, for the moment, is a transmit-only device, it has really opened up propagation and antenna assessment in a much more objective, bias-free way to the masses.

The WSPRlite unit is programmable to send a minimum of 5mW, and a maximum of 200mW.

What I find really strange is that almost everybody using a WSPRlite sets their power to the maximum output.  There are hardly any units - and there are a lot of units out there now - running below 100mW.

Year after year, my power output foir 'real' QSOs has been getting lower.  I've never used more than 100W on SSB, with digimodes typically using no more than 8W - this all through simple wire antennas.

It's a pity that the machoistic belief in 'more power' seems to continue, unabated.  Just look what this fascinating comparison of my vertical delta loop, at a mere 10mW, against an inverted-L, at 200mW, shows:

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