Thursday, 10 November 2016

WSPRing a Transient Geomagnetic Disturbance

Last night, I was a bit busy with other things in the house, so I left WSPR running at 2W on 20m into my vertical delta loop.

At the moment, on a quiet geomagnetic day, 20m dies around 19:30UT.  This was happening as usual last night.

But, at about 21:00UT, 20m opened up again, with US stations coming in quite strongly for a while.  My 2W signal was also getting across again at the same time.

Looking at the Kiruna magentogram, there was a pronounced but short-lived disturbance about the same time, which would appear to explain why the band came alive again for a while.

The three RX stations were W3CSW (blue), W4MO (orange) and KK1D (brown).  Because of the way line plotting works on my spreadsheet, I've entered a 'filler' data point of -35dB for W3CSW and W4MO, as they lost reception from me for an hour or so before the field changed.
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