Friday, 4 November 2016

WSPR on 60m.

Here are the results from 18:28UT 03/11/16 to 10:30UT 04/11/16 on 60m WSPR between myself and DK8FTA, a path of 1235km (click for larger version).

Interesting to see a clear effect of the advancing terminator in the morning.  The maximum signal isn't very pronounced, and occurs about an hour before DK8FTA's local midnight.  Other than auroral effects, I can't readily explain that - yet!

It needs much more data, but there superficially seems to be a roughly 2-hour periodicity in the data.  That needs figuring out if it's seen repeatedly!

Here also is the result of WSPR on the same, 60m band, between myself and GM8DOR, who is directly north of me.

The result is very different over this short, 'D'-layer dominated 362km path, starting from an essentially unchanging value of about -22dB during the night, and shooting up as sunrise approaches, to settle at its daytime value, also flat, at about +15dB.

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