Friday, 26 August 2016

40m WSPR Challenge Results

Having done pretty well with 30m and 20m WSPR challenges recently, I tought I'd try 40m.

Again, the basic antenna is pretty simple - just a half sloper against the tower with a 3-element 12m Yagi on top.  Luckily, it's on sloping ground and appears to be 15m tall from just 80 m away horizontally.  So this, plus the far field ground, does yield very good gain - about +7dBi over the inherent gain of the antenna, with no obstructions.  The sea is a minimum of 2km away.

I was really pleased with the results, because there are plenty of very-well appointed 40m WSPR stations out there.  As you can see from the table below, I reached 12th position, with only a handful of extra spots gained by those up to about 4th position above me.

Not bad for a half sloper!

Whilst the antenna does have a very good native SWR for its type (1.4:1), the results do confirm that the location is very important.

So my station is doing pretty well, reaching near the top of the tables on each band. 

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