Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Hawai'i Buses Arrive All At Once

Happy midsummer's day!

With bright sunny mornings waking us up at some strange hour these days, it's not very often I've been turning to 20m for some DX.  With sporadic E underway, it's usually 6m.

Two islands bagged in a few minutes - and confirmed!

But this morning, idly spinning the dial to 14.076, I discovered several Hawaiian stations coming in at very good strength.  The terminator was very far away, so the precise propagation mechanism for these signals is a little bit of a mystery.

What was the propagation mechanism? 

Hawaiians seem quite relaxed about confirming QSOs, no doubt because the whole damned world is on their back to do so!  Whilst I've had SSB confirmed to gain my WAS award some time ago, I've been waiting much longer for one of the very many QSOs I've had digitally to be confirmed.

Within minutes this morning, I had not one but two QSOs with those distant shores, and both were good enough to confirm almost immediately on LoTW.  Usefully, these can be uploaded to the QRZ.com logbook as well, which is always good for showing off!

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