Sunday, 13 December 2015

WSPR: Broken?

WSPR is a mode that has taken over the world of beacon-type transmissions, and taken the subjectivity out of antenna and propagation assessments.

Sadly, whilst WSPR must have a huge number of people hitting its servers 24/365, the WSPR net web site has slowly become quite degraded in its performance.  It's now quite common not to be able to get updated maps and database query results back for long periods during any given operating period.  This undermines the whole point of the mode.

It may be that WSPR net needs to start charging users in order to provide better server bandwidth.  If something isn't done to prevent the rot getting worse, this could well see WSPR fade away over time, at least in its present form.  As a concept and practice, it's too powerful and useful across the globe to vanish, so let's hope some improvements come about, one way or another.

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