No, not that sort of breakdown. It's a simple chart of which modes I've used since about 2010.
The fraction of PSK31 surprised me, because I've not used it regularly for a couple of years. It reflects a busy period during sunspot maximum, typically on 15 and 10m. JT65A is taking over as the default mode for me, mainly because it offers a way to communicate wihthout shouting down a microphone when others are asleep. It's also useful because you can do other things at the same time. JT9 is also slowly increasing, especially after e-QSL introduced its award for that mode.
It's a shame that ROS and OLIVIA have so few takers. These are really very robust weak signal modes that allow comfortable live typing QSOs, often with very interesting people. RTTY remains an annoying 'last resort' mode for me, although it can also be very useful under marginal conditions. I just wish more RTTY operators would avoid selecting a frequency that interferes with WSPR mode.
Sadly, CW remains a 'to do' mode, having never really made the effort to learn it. The attraction of simple, QRP operating whilst portable might well change that state of affairs soon!
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