Friday, 9 October 2015

2m Quad - Resuscitated!

A long while ago, I constructed a 5-element quad for 2m out of timber and wire.  It proved to be a great performer, allowing easy access of repeaters out to about 200 miles on just 2W.  It managed much the same on simplex, if there was good propagation.

Sadly, the weather eventually took its toll, having been thrown up into the air off its storage stand during a violent February storm where winds reached 109mph!  Eventually, after some repairs kept it going, the XYL drove into it and that was that!

With some good conditions with the coming of extended periods of high pressure over northern Europe and the UK recently, I was prompted to reuse the wire and rebuild the antenna.

And, after a year or so languishing as a pile of rotten wood, here it is!  The rebuilt, exact-same performer and low SWR curve as it always was.

Good for another few years.  Total timber cost: about £6.

You can find the plans in the "International Antenna Collection, Vol. 2."  Just build it to the stated dimensions and it works perfectly (actually, it has much better matching than indicated.)  A 1/4 wave 75Ohm matching section is necessary.

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