As a result, the RSGB's planning service is reduced to simply telling members what the law on antennas is - which you can anyway find for free online at the Planning Portal - and writing the odd support letter to councils (which, coming from a hobby society, can be expected to have very little impact.)
Contrast this, then, with the current, high-profile campaign by the ARRL and US-based hams in general to support the Amateur Radio Parity Act. This Act will see amateur radio stations no longer subject to neighbour hostility and prejudice that has led to a nationwide proliferation of House Owner Associations simply saying "no antennas here." In every real sense, it has been a rapidly-growing system that was bringing the hobby to its knees, often being so strictly implemented that even an essentially invisible wire around a balcony could bring action against the owner.
Now, amateur operators look set to be granted the same right to develop their land in respect of antennas as any other emergency user. Whilst there is no guarantee of success, the notion, campaign and support is really a positive story for amateur radio, and one that leaves the RSGB, yet again, lagging well behind, content simply to concern itself with the interests of hardcore DX clubs, committee urchins, and the bah-humbug elderly who have long lost sight of how modern Britain works against its own people.
Well done, the ARRL! Well done, the US of A!
if their parents have bought houses in neighborhoods with deed
restrictions prohibiting antennas?” she speculated. “Those kids’
interest in ham radio gained from school, Scouts, or family friends will
have no way to blossom into the life-changing experience of being radio
amateurs.” - See more at:
if their parents have bought houses in neighborhoods with deed
restrictions prohibiting antennas?” she speculated. “Those kids’
interest in ham radio gained from school, Scouts, or family friends will
have no way to blossom into the life-changing experience of being radio
amateurs.” - See more at:
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