Monday, 29 June 2015

Goodbye RSGB, Hello ARRL.

Well, the Cornwall debacle between the RSGB and OFCOM was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Having never found the RSGB representing my particular views, concerns and interests, the latest 'rule-by-committee' rubbish was just too much, and I cancelled my membership over the weekend. 

So long, RSGB...

Already, this is proving to be an interesting exercise.  As soon as I ditched the RSGB, I joined the ARRL.  In return for about £20 per annum less than it costs me to join the RSGB, not only am I a member but also have 'QST' magazine delivered to my door each month!  Compared to the dull, dry writing by elderly and establishment figures in the RSGB's 'RadCom' magazine, QST is clear, practical and enthusiastic.

Add to that the instant ability to log in to the website and start enjoying member benefits, and a nice ARRL-based e-mail address and, already, it is feeling much more welcoming and practical than the RSGB's 'old man' club approach.

Sure, the ARRL will not be representing radio here in the UK.  But, then, neither very much is the RSGB.  By its own admission, it has given up lobbying for improvements to amateur radio rights in the UK, and is really only manifest in the magazine and some loose affiliation scheme with clubs around the country.

In the end, this is a journey.  I hope that a proper alternative that puts committees and society 'big wigs' to one side and members' interests to the fore will eventually emerge to oust the RSGB.  In this day of new media, it's surprising this hasn't already happened.  It might be I join some other society, like the European one.  Time will tell.

And, yes, I do take offence that a simple, member-based hobby society has a Managing Director earning in excess - possibly well in excess - of £60,000 a year.

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