Saturday, 4 April 2015

Happy Easter, Idiots!

Yes folks, it's Easter holidays in many parts of the world!

This brings better weather, slightly worse HF conditions - and very bad operators!

We see this deterioration in operating every weekend.  They seem to be people who switch on from time to time, with little regard for basic respect towards other hams.

Take, for example, this morning's opening sequence on 20m JT65A.  I called CQ, had a nice return from LY2BOS, to whom I reported his signal.  Who comes back mid-QSO?  It's some Belgian station who probably saw a callsign on his screen, clicked on it with no regard as to whether there was a QSO ongoing, and tried to bag it for himself.

I wondered whether this is a result of transferring lots of the ham band experience onto computers these days.  Are operators beginning to think of the bands as some click-down menu that has no consequence in physical reality?  I'm sure that is the case for some.  But then, we have always seen greedy, inconsiderate and over-competitive people on the bands.

Still, my response to this behaviour is one of minor irritation, followed by switching over to another mode or band.  For sure, I had no intention of answering the Belgian station!

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