Saturday, 14 March 2015

ROS Mode Weekend

ROS is one of my favourite modes, capable of allowing long QSOs with weak signals and QRM, even from the same mode.  Alongside OLIVIA, it's the best way of having a ragchew with antipodal stations under even the toughest conditions.

Quirky, but powerful.  ROS mode in action.

Even though it's well-known, it's not very well used.  This is very odd, given that just about everybody wants a robust mode that yields good DX.

So, if you've never heard of, or never used ROS, the European ROS Club Diploma Weekend might be a good place to start - it's on next weekend, start of March 21 - end of March 22.

Don't worry if you don't like events - it's not a contest (except with yourself, if you actually want the award) just a mode-promoting event where there will be plenty of stations to choose from, as and when you like.

You can find all the details and simple protocols here.

ROS software and user manuals are available here.


  1. I never tried the program due to some issues with the author when it was just made several years ago. I still think ROS mode needs too much bandwidth in the spectrum. Though I have to admit the screenshot of the program looks nice. Just my thoughts about it, I'll keep it at JT9. Olivia is a nice chat mode and should do more with it...73, Bas

  2. Yes, bandwidth is always an issue. Not that anyone takes any notice, because people just transmit over what they don't recognise as - or don't care are - transmissions of other modes.

    The newer ROS versions does incorporate very successful spread-spectrum transmission, which is a very efficient way of using the band, at least to my mind.


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