This operator first complained that 14.106 was a "calling frequency".
A calling frequency is, of course, where you call CQ and, once contact is made, you move off to another frq, leaving the calling frequency clear for others.
I then captured a lovely video where the same HB-operator spent a very long time on this supposed "calling frequency", having a full QSO with an OH station (who was acting perfectly normally.)
Oh dear. Hypocrisy 1, HB operator 0.
There was also a complaint, made repeatedly and, like the first, without transmitting a callsign, that OLIVIA mode had "channels", and that these were spaced by "500Hz". He later changed his mind to claim the spacing was "1000Hz".
Well, most times on OLIVIA, you get folks transmitting within each others' bandwidth; it's kind of inevitable when, at 32/1000, the mode takes up a lot of space. OLIVIA copes with it perfectly well, even when two signals are almost directly on top of one another. There's very little room for complaint about inadequate spacing, and I've never heard anyone else make such.
The HB operator also claimed he had been using this frequency for ten years, which is never a good sign. In short, he was obviously (and later confirmed to be) quite elderly, and had become stuck in his ways to the point of viewing certain spots as 'his' and his alone. It's not uncommon amongst older folk, but it isn't right.
Grumpy old HB-land troll. |
This troll was so persistent that I took the unprecedented step of reporting this person, who went on to transmit his callsign in anger, and then issuing mildly abusive messages, which were captured on screen, to the HB authorities. I received prompt responses, and that it would be dealt with "in the manner customary."
The operator hasn't been heard on OLIVIA for a while. Then, this morning, at 14.203 USB, I came across an OH station angrily asking someone who had a very, shall we say, HB-like accent, for his callsign. He refused to give it at least twice, claiming a ZL station was speaking to him. He also claimed he'd been using the frequency for - wait for it - ten years. The OH station told him, then, to get on with his QSO, at which point we both listened to see what happened.
For three minutes, nothing. I called to see if the frq was clear, at which point the OH station made contact and told me in more detail about what had happened.
So, the HB troll seems to have moved on from OLIVIA to SSB for a while, but still using the same old rubbish to annoy and interrupt others.
Of course, I am mindful that elderly folk often are lonely, or may be unwell. Indeed, I make a point of trying to lighten such people's days quite often, and have even a number of such people who appreciate this and call in every day. Indeed, I think radio must be a huge relief to some, who may never see other people for days, or weeks.
But others just want to be nasty, which is a terrible shame when our lives are so short, and that aggression is utterly futile. Perhaps it's dementia, and the faculties are lost. In which case, someone should be caring more closely for this person.
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