Saturday, 24 January 2015

RSGB: Did they really say "QSY"?

Recently, I and a load of other WSPR users have become very fed-up with the constant interference of that mode by, principally, RTTY operators, and then principally for contesting.

Putting it mildly, these test operators don't give a flying *uck for other users, and see their stupid search for points as justification enough to interfere with other users.  There hardly seems to be a weekend these days when RTTY tests are not underway.

So, a few e-mails have been flying back and forth between myself and the RSGB.  It crash barriered from one committee to another, until it ended up with the band committee (or something.) 

The thinking from the RSGB was that if there's interference with WSPR - which uses single spot frequencies on each band, then users should QSY.  It doesn't favour mode-specific allocations.


Given WSPR is a beacon-like mode, where hundreds of stations are listening out for one another, QSYing is as utterly impractical as it is a stupid suggestion.

It's an interesting question to ask as to what makes 'traditional' beacons warrant particular protection, whilst WSPR does not, more especially as WSPR is much more accessible to the average Joe.  It's a question the RSGB seems disinclined to answer.

Yet again, I find myself asking who the hell the RSGB is actually representing.  It's certainly not the WSPR community.  Then again, I suspect a lot of the committee bums on seats are avid contesters themselves...

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