Thursday, 11 December 2014

RSGB Volunteer

A strange, knobbly letter arrived in the post, franked 'RSGB' this morning.

What on Earth?

Turns out it was a standard letter, with text identical to that of an article in the current (Dec. 2014) edition of RadCom, and a smart little pin badge with 'RSGB Volunteer 2015' inscribed upon it.

I'm an RSGB Volunteer!

This morning's post...

I presume this is as a result of enquiries with Graham Coomber as to whether the society might like me to continue keeping abreast of planning issues across Wales, something I've been doing anyway for a number of years.

Nothing in the letter tells me what the RSGB thinks I'm doing as a volunteer, of course!  Neither have I had any response from the planning committee, who were meant to be consulted on volunteer involvement.

I suppose I can read it as a 'gauntlet down' situation, in that, if I'm so convinced I can make a contribution well, get on with it!

Fair enough, I'd say.

So there.  I will have to network like mad and do some proper work now!

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