For some reason, I went to do battle with the LoTW site this afternoon. Like every other time, I ended-up going round in circles, trying to find somewhere that was user-friendly.
Eventually, I once more figured-out how to apply for a DXCC award, this being rather belated by now, and not really of any importance to me, to be honest.
In total, the certificate would cost me £38 at today's exchange rate. £38 - for a piece of paper? I can get a walnut-effect mounted brass plaque for a bit more off E-QSL, a system that, whilst admittedly much more open to abuse, is infinitely easier to use.
I can only imagine that, if get their skates on properly, they could sweep the floor with a reasonably-priced award program linked to their very nice new logbook, which is now double-blind until confirmation by each station. It's clear such a program is in development, and needs only to be launched.
So, the ARRL can get stuffed, because only egotistical fools with space to fill on their walls pay £38 for a piece of paper.
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