Wednesday, 30 October 2013

KQ2H-R: Getting Worse.

It's about a month into the excellent 10m propagation conditions that has seen the KQ2H-R in upstate NY creak under the calls coming in.

But the operators attracted there vary enormously from the excellent to the downright inept.

Aye.  Settle down to a cuppa and hold up the world on KQ2H-R.  Nice one!

Sadly, some of the regular worst visitors to KQ2H appear to be from the UK.  Not content with short, polite exchanges than acknowledge the extreme numbers trying to call in, ol' George stations settle down to a nice cup of tea and a moan about the weather.  Inevitably, they are elderly.

KQ2H-R is not a place to thrash out, once again, the arguments about what makes a QSO.  It is simply a very busy place where you call in politely, say hello politely, and then leave quickly.  It's not a place to ask 400 other stations to 'stand by' whilst you take ten minutes to express how strange it is to 'work the UK the long way round'.  We've heard it all before, and we all understand how it works, thanks.

So, as they say in the US, home of KQ2H-R, "MOVE ALONG THERE!"

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