Friday, 4 October 2013

Going HF Mobile, G-Whip Style.

Yes folks, I've finally decided to go HF mobile.  Having recently acquired a new car and pondered on the comment by a colleague that "radio's more fun when out and about", I sat down to view my options online.

I am by no means an antenna expert; that much is clear.  I also have little time at the moment to learn about coils, measure their characteristics, and build a successful antenna.

Towbar and tow hook mounts are available, but magmount atop the car makes for significantly better performance, essentially doubling the signal strength.  Image: G-Whip.

In short, I've decided to buy an antenna!  This is a very rare event indeed for me, as I've previously only bought a 10m and 20m end fed from Geoff Brown, AKA G-Whip.

Anyone who's bought from Geoff will know the clear benefit of doing so: personal, prompt and polite customer service, coupled to very high quality products, usually of military standard.  This is despite being a very busy man who essentially hand-builds every product he offers.

I've not yet received the antenna, but the magmount and rig are all sorted out, ready for the off.  It all feels a bit like the CB days of old, but better!

As soon as I get out and about, and especially park at the seaside, I'll let you know whether or not the £125 I parted with for Geoff's Pro Mobile antenna was a good investment.  Quite what parents waiting outside school will make of it will be equally interesting!

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