Let me start by declaring a non-interest: I hate ham contests.
Contests are the most banal, pointless, band-destroying activity going. They take up more weekends than is reasonable, and ops couldn't give a toss about who might be doing QRP, beacon or weak signal work.
Contests are, in short, simply a direct route to total selfishness.
And the reward? Some kudos in some hardly-read DX magazine and a piece of paper on the wall. What an achievement!
What hope for the poor sod, working all week and wanting to enjoy some DXing on 20m, when all he can hear is shouting, shouting and more shouting. And some serial numbers.
Mindless. Pointless. Selfish. That's contests.
i agree with you ,the problem now is that even with no contest on- all i seem to hear is 599 op vlad/boris/etc.out of the last 14 qsos i made i got 7 reports of 599. only one station gave his qth and 8 of the contacts lasted less than one minute. all eoropeans-no dx stations.no-one seems too be interested in anything except contest type activity.