Thursday, 13 June 2013

Join the RSGB for a £1 - and a lot of hassle!

Join the RSGB for £1!

What a brilliant idea!  Sure to get the punters rolling in in their thousands.

Pounds roll in other directions if you mess things up...

Or will it?

I had a friend who wasn't a member.  I thought I'd lavish a whole Queen's quid on him.

I filled in all the details didn't like the web browser unless it was MS Explorer.  Strange, that, because most hams will be independent sorts and will use Firefox or, as I do, SeaMonkey.

OK.  Let's appeal for help and click on the 'send us an email' feature.  Guess what?  It doesn't work.

Apparently, the RSGB web site was hacked as the promotion went live, so they decided to present the backup rather than have nothing at all.  OK, happens to the best of us, but such incidents are predictable, and ought to be part of any web site management plan.

So, a good idea seems to have gotten off to a bad start.  I'm sure I'll make the effort to call them on the blower tomorrow.  Even if the web site hadn't been hacked, the donation to the RCF thing is outdated, gleefully informing us it funds GB4FUN - which the RSGB has already scrapped!

Nice one, RSGB!

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