Sunday, 12 May 2013

Volta RTTY Contest

This weekend it's RTTY contesting, Volta style.

Whilst there is, strictly, nothing 'wrong' with operating RTTY at the band locations now full of canary whistling, there also doesn't appear to much of an effort going on to be considerate to others.

I've had enough of seeing this rubbish on frequencies already in use.

RTTY operators often seem to just start transmitting without checking if anyone else is using the frequency.  If the frequency is being used already by another mode that doesn't sound like RTTY - say, WSPR stations - then it is ignored and transmission begins all over the top.

I think the organisers of the Volta contest ought to quickly address conduct on the air (on which it currently seems to make no reference) because it is not casting themselves in a good light at all.  There is more to life than getting as many points as possible.  Respecting others already using a frequency - even if it is another mode and you are desperate for those points - is a basic law for any respectable RTTY or indeed other mode user.

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