Sunday, 28 April 2013

RSGB Web Revamp

As part of its now long-running efforts to modernise and govern itself properly, the RSGB has now got a new web front page, beta style.

Fair play, they've got one bit right: limiting the choices on offer to just three; it's important not to overload people hitting the page for the first time yet getting them sufficiently interested to find out more.  I think they've hit the mark with this, so well done.

But things fall apart quickly from here on in.  I clicked on the bit where I might be slightly interested in becoming a radio amateur but have confused ideas about what it's all about.

I dunno.  A nice shot like this might attract me to amateur radio.  Gets me outdoors, type of thing...

What do I get?  Text.  Lots of it.  I'm afraid it's an instant turn off.  There are no images of exciting equipment, happy operators or anything else.  It's a big disappointment, frankly.

Erm, no.  Not that kind of image.
It needs more work, and plenty of it.  Urgently.  And the current lack of interest amongst the web page content is probably not down to poor web creators; it's much more likely them doing what they're told to, which is the wrong thing in my estimation.

How about some satellite or ISS images?  Might be attractive to some...
Come on lads.  There is plenty of technical and outdoors excitement in amateur radio.  Put some images on there, for God's sake!

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