Friday, 14 December 2012

Friday Was WSPR Day...

WSPR is a peculiarly fascinating digital mode. You need do little more than check your antenna is still standing and that the ALC isn't kicking in as the rig and PC attend to themselves quietly in a corner.

I find WSPR satisfies that endlessly-burning question in me: where is my signal getting to? I was never interested in contests, just where, how, and why my signal gets to where it gets.

WSPR lets you do this without calling CQ 2,800 times in a day, and gets you a real, numerical signal report that is much more meaningful than a well-intentioned 59 from someone who had to ask for your prefix six times before he gave you the perfect report!

So, here's the result of putting out 5W - quite a lot by WSPR standards - into my delta loop on 20m for more or less a complete day during mid-December 2012. I was especially happy to be picked-up by WA2YUN on Wake Island in the north Pacific - somewhere I previously had never heard of but now know a lot about:

A day of WSPRing.  Most VK/ZL, but certainly not all, was via the Long Path, as was Wake Island. The thicker the lines, the longer contact was maintained.

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