Monday, 18 June 2012

Two Bands, Not Much Dosh.

2 metres. An interesting band. Kind of handy for satellite working, repeaters, all that jazz.  How much for a handie, Mr.? 'Oh, that'll be $150 (or, defying all known exchange mechanisms, £150 in the UK), sir.' Hmm. Typing in ebay brings up a very decent looking handie. £34.99, delivered. Does 2m and 70cm.

2 bands, £34.99.  Brilliant!
It arrives the next day. Brilliant item, made even more capable with a homebrewed tiger tail attached so it has something more like a real antenna.  Kicks into the repeaters and even does distant direct contacts no problem on 2W.  You don't generally get scintillating conversation on 2m, but all the same, it's radio...

So, instead of spending mucho $$$ on a duplex-capable handie (if such a thing really exists), to do satellite working, I just got two handies for £70 and an antenna made for another £30. Two handies and a twin-band antenna for less than a badged handie. That's my kind of amateur radio!

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